Sisteme informationale de specialitate

Creat de Draqi, Mar 01, 2013, 03:16 PM

« precedentul - următorul »

John Doe

Si eu tot de vreo trei ani tot incerc sa-mi dau seama cum se face, helpul il deschid daca nu pricep in primele zece minute dar nici asa n-a mers.
Am descarcat lucrarea, sa vedem - mersi.


@jhon doe
În ce soft te interesează mai mult?

John Doe

In AutoCAD. La firma am Civil 3D 2012 dar e gigantic, complicat si nici nu stiu daca are topologie; in mod curent lucrez in 2007 fiindca e cel mai stabil, dar am si Autodesk Map 5, mai vechi, pastrat anume pentru studiile mele... topologice.


În civil nu poţi construi topologie. Am să fac diseară un tutorial în acad map 2013 (ăsta e singurul pe care îl am).


autocad map e solutia pentru autocad, civil 3d nu prea...

John Doe

Bun si Map 2013, ar trebui sa-mi dau seama ce sa fac in Map 5-ul meu.
Deocamdata, in Access ma descurc - adica tabele, interogari, macro; programare Visual Basic asa si asa.
M-am prins si despre ce fel de topologii e vorba si cam cum se fac. Acum urmeaza sa-mi dau seama dupa ce atribut pot sa-mi leg baza de date de desen, cum sa fac o interogare si cum pot afisa rezultatele.

Civil 3D e absolut gigantic, poate la altii le foloseste dar mie nu; ma enerveaza inclusiv meniul ribbon cu iconitele alea care se vor sugestive - dar daca stii AutoCAD nu ai nevoie de ele, daca nu stii mai inveti...
Si la personalizare sufera, de exemplu nu pot sub nici o forma sa-l fac sa plece in classic workspace - o fi un bug sau e intentionat de la Microsoft? uneori baietii au niste politici ciudate. La modificat meniu sau altele nici nu mai vorbesc.
M-am pricopsit cu el fiindca ne mai trebuiau niste licente la firma si numai Civil 3D mai era de vânzare. Mi-e si frica sa zic cât a costat...



asa e cu civilul, dar se invata destul de repede, dupa cativa ani :). e cel mai bun soft de proiectare pe care am lucrat pana acum, nu e prea grozav pe parte de topo, dar merge.
   daca n-as fi pe plaja in cambogia as putea lista pasii logici pentru legarea unei baze de datre la tabelul atribut al shp sau sdf in map. e mai complicat decat in argis dar partea cu 32 si 64 am avut si eu probleme. in primuo rand trebuie setat in windows un service pentru baza de date, care apoi poate fi selectata din optiunile tabelului atribut, ceva" join table". normal ar trebui sa fie simplu, dar intotdeuna intervin 1000 de alte probleme...


Este simplu.
Până apuc să instalez, postez aici paşii de pe un forum de specialitate:


1. Configure the MS Excel Data Source:
a. From the MS Control Panel, find ODBC Connections Icon and click to open
i. (alternative to control panel icon is Start->RUN->ODBCAD32)
b. Under User DSN Tab, click "ADD"
c. Under Create New Data Source, select the Microsoft Excel Driver
i. Note that MS has changed from JET drivers to ACE drivers- this is the cause of current issues with Map3D & "Drag & Drop" functionality with MapExplorer
d. Under ODBC MS Excel Setup, enter a data source name and click "select workbook" to point to your Excel file.
e. "OK" out of the ODBC dialog boxes

2. Note:  NO excel  "Named Cell Range" necessary.  In fact, since named ranges use absolute cell names, I'm not sure you want to – if you insert cells' rows/columns at the end of the range, the range might not automatically expand to show the additional information – a great potential for undesired havoc.  However, I've formatted the Schedule No field to be text versus general numbers in Excel.

3. Steps in Map3D:
a. Configure the Xcel data source
i. From the Map Explorer tab of the Map Task Pane:
1. Right –click on "Data Sources" and left-click on "Configure"
2. Enter a new name under the "Data Source Name."  This doesn't have to be the same name defined in the odbc connection & Click "OK" this will open a "Data Link Properties" dialog box.
3. Under the Data Link Properties Dialog, Properties Tab, change the OLE DB Provider from SQL Server to ODBC Drivers & Click "Next."  This will move you to the "Connection" Tab in the same dialog box.
4. Under Connection, "1. Specify the source of data" select the "Use Data Source Name" and click on the pull-down arrow to pick the name you defined with the ODBC connection.
5. Under "2. Enter information to log on to the server" you can select "blank password" for the Excel spreadsheet (unless you password protected it).
6. Click "Test Connection" to make sure it works.  You should get a pop-up window stating "Connection Succeeded" with OK to close.  Close this window.
7. Click OK to close the Data Link Properties Dialog box.
8. What you've just done in the 7 steps above is create a Universal Data Link file (UDL) under the "Data Links" subdirectory in map. 
b. Now that you've configured the data source, it's time to finally attach it in Map3D.
i. Right-click on Data Sources and select "Attach."  This opens to the "data links" directory where map stores all such links.  Select the .UDL with the data source name you just configured and then click "Attach."  Note that the full listing of each worksheet in your workbook now appears under the data source's "Tables" if you fully expand the tree – hence the comment above that named ranges aren't required.
ii. Once a .UDL file is created, you can drag & drop it from Windows explorer into the Map Explorer task pane of Map3D to connect to the spreadsheet.  You could create a shortcut on your desktop to this directory to facilitate your data link connections.  Before MS changed their ODBC drivers from JET Connect to ACEConnect, dragging & dropping a .XLS or .MDB file from Windows Explorer into Map Explorer would configure the data source behind the scenes and everything in step E above was transparent to us.
c. Separate step – create CAD objects with data that we can link to the Excel spreadsheet – (in this case it was graphically interacting with each parcel polygon in the drawing & the El Paso County Assessor's website to add text objects for each parcel in CAD).
d. So, now we have CAD objects with Object Data and a data table.  The next step is to link from the table to the Object Data we've attached to the CAD objects.
i. Define the link template.  This establishes the unique key from the data table to match the drawing.
1. From Map Explorer Right-click on "link templates" and select "define link template" (also available from the ribbon – Task based, object map tab, external attribute panel "Define Link Template").
2. Select the defined data source from above and select the table if there are multiple tables/worksheets in the source file.
3. Enter a name in the Link Template line of the dialog box
4. Select the unique (Key) identifier.
ii. Now we want to generate the links based on this template.
1. From the "task-based geospatial" workspace, on the "Object Map" tab of the Ribbon, External Attribute panel, select '"Generate Links." This will open the "Generate Data Links" dialog box.
2. In the Generate Data Links dialog box, for linkage type, select "text"
3. For Data Links, select "Create Database Links" – this will switch the next line in the dialog box to give you a selection for what link template to use – select the name you gave in d.i.3 above.
4. Your choice for database validation
5. Select "use insertion point as label point"
6. Click OK to close.  Note on the command line a prompt to "Select Text Objects to generate links from" – window over the text you inserted in step c above.
e. Once the links are created, if you open the properties dialog box, note that there is now a "LT:" section that reports the parcel information straight from the Excel spreadsheet – you can directly modify information in the spreadsheet from this location.
f. Note that the linkage is to the text object and not to the polygon – this would require a slightly different approach to link to object data attached to the polygon – I'm still working this one out.

John Doe

                  Am priceput ideea, dar chestia asta chiar ma depaseste... in plus, am Win7 pe 64 biti si e cam altfel.
Incerc in continuare in configuratia actuala, sa vedem ce iese.



                  alexigis, pasii enumerati sunt pentru alte aplicatii, data links si object tables sunt diferite fata de tabele atribut si links to a database. asa e in autocad map, lucrurile pot fi foarte complicate. unii din pasii enumerati sunt aceeasi si in cazul alipirii unei baze de date, dar nu e acelasi lucru cu ce ai enumerat acolo. nu am softul la mine, dar nu e chiar atat de complicat ca si in cazul expus de tine, care e altceva.

 iar data source poate fi configurat ca acces, excel sau sql, daca-mi amintesc. imi pare rau ca sunt "la mare la soare"  oricum, map-ul are un tutorial dedicat exact acestei chestiuni si unde explica exact pasii necesari, dar nu am acces la soft de pe plaja si am memorie mica 128 mb.

Modificat de doru2 (04-03-2013 15:33:57)



Te invidiez cu soarele, cu marea... la noi abia dau mugurii.
Atentie cu kmerii rosii.



doru2 a scris:

alexigis, pasii enumerati sunt pentru alte aplicatii, data links si object tables sunt diferite fata de tabele atribut si links to a database. asa e in autocad map, lucrurile pot fi foarte complicate. unii din pasii enumerati sunt aceeasi si in cazul alipirii unei baze de date, dar nu e acelasi lucru cu ce ai enumerat acolo. nu am softul la mine, dar nu e chiar atat de complicat ca si in cazul expus de tine, care e altceva.

 iar data source poate fi configurat ca acces, excel sau sql, daca-mi amintesc. imi pare rau ca sunt "la mare la soare"  oricum, map-ul are un tutorial dedicat exact acestei chestiuni si unde explica exact pasii necesari, dar nu am acces la soft de pe plaja si am memorie mica 128 mb.

Doru, ăştia sunt paşii. Rezumatul înşiruirii este următorul:

Creezi data source.
Configurezi data source.
Creezi data link.
Legi baza de date de grafică prin cheie primară după ce, în prealabil, ai construit topologie.

Paşii sunt pentru versiuni mai vechi de map3d, poate de asta pare complicat. Noile versiuni crează data source automat prin indicarea fişierului mdb sau xls, direct din interfaţa acad (deci nu trebuie să te mai duci în admin tools etc).

Am priceput ce ai scris. Ai dreptate, sunt diferenţe între tabele atribut şi data links, dar eu vb strict de data links.

Modificat de AlexGIS (04-03-2013 17:44:51)

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