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Creat de Admin, Iul 22, 2005, 04:52 AM

« precedentul - următorul »


                  Este un programel care face toate astea si mai face si calculul colturilor de plan in nomenclatura si in diferite sisteme de proiectie, se cheama PLAN.">



                  salut.">  sunt si eu un student an 3 in cartografie si cadastru si am inceput sa ma joc cu diferite programe sa le invat.

Doresc sa particip la discutii pe forum privind noutatile software si hard in domeniul topografiei!

Modificat de Spider (28-09-2007 14:14:58)



Doresc sa particip la discutii pe forum privind noutatile software si hard in domeniul topografiei!

va rog mult la adresa  E-mail">">

Modificat de crys73 (27-10-2007 13:51:47)


eugen dumitru

                  cine ma poate ajuta cu un crack pt topolt 5.2 emali  E-mail .com
sau eventual la topolt 6.0 email: E-mail


eugen dumitru

                  avem de vanzare tarusi din lemn pentru marcat statiile
tarusii costa 1 leu buc. se pot comanda la email  E-mail



                  plssss vreau si eu crack pentru Prof.V85
mail:  E-mail



                  Bine ai venit pe forum!

La magazinul nostru nu se servesc crack-uri. Exista o legislatie care protejeaza drepturile de autor. Vezi regulile postate la rubrica speciala.
Suntem convinsi ca vei gasi si alte subiecte de interes si vei participa la discutii.
Numai bine!



                  Mersi lilica raman dator, nu stiu din ce "unghi" privesti tu aceste cereri, dar sunt sigur ca nu esti in pozitia in care suntem noi care cerem, daca tata s-ar numii Becali poate ca nu ma gasea-i pe forumul asta, dar uite ca suntem studenti  care vrem sa invatam. Nu ne permitem sa investim niste bani pe niste programe care trebuie sa le inveti singur. Crede-ma pe cuvant ca daca programul imi va fii de folos as suna imediat la domnul Bujor sa cumpar programul."> Programul nu are DEMO

Modificat de degea (01-11-2007 18:25:53)



                  Apreciez dorinta ta de a studia programele utile topografilor. Nu conteaza unghiul din care privesc eu aceste cereri, este vorba de legalitate si de dorinta de a fi respectate niste reguli. Acest forum functioneaza in virtutea lor si ar fi pacat sa fie restrictionat accesul la el.
Acasa, in camin sau in alte locuri private este treaba fiecaruia ce face, ce variante de soft utilizeaza, mai mult sau mai putin legale. Invocarea lui Becali sau a studentiei nu are relevanta.
Cu riscul de a indeparta potentiali useri, sper ca putem discuta despre cu totul altceva pe aici!



                  Cum ar fi sa discutam despre ultimele noutati de la Leica?

Leica Geosystems Introduces the Leica TPS1200+

(Norcross, GA 11 October 2007) Leica Geosystems introduces the most advanced Survey Grade total Station with leading edge enhancements in accuracy, productivity, and scalability.

The new Leica TPS1200+ Total Station introduces the most precise automatic positioning ever seen in this class of instruments along with several other accuracy improvements. Users no longer have to trade pointing accuracy to gain the convenience of robotic instruments. In combination with the new positioning camera, the PinPoint reflectorless EDM range and accuracy has increased two fold. The improved features of the telescope and the new high contrast color display make this instrument the best in its class.

Through continued reaserch and development, Leica's PinPoint reflectorless technology has once again been improved. PinPoint reflectorless EDM's can now measure to distances to over 3000 feet. You can have the assurance of accurate measurements at maximum range from the industries most precise reflectorless EDM. The combination of range, accuracy and laser spot size make this the best reflectorless EDM on the market today.

To improve instrument performance to reflectors, a new CMOS camera system has been developed. This camera now makes pointing accuracies of 1 sec (ISO 17-123-3) possible. To improve the overall instrument distance accuracy, a new red-diode EDM has been designed to bring the base EDM accuracy to 1mm. This type of quality has always been reserved for special application instruments, but now is available in all Leica 1200+ instruments.

Increased Speed and Productivity
A new color display allows users to see and interact with their instruments in vivid detail. Drawing colors can now imported directly to the instrument with data. The brilliant color map screen allows users to select items and use them for real working functions. Map screens are now a tool in the field to be used, not just for pretty pictures. Built in DXF file support makes sure that all drawing programs are supported both in the field and in the office.

Improved Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) sensors in the TPS 1200+ follow the prism with unmatched speed and precision. If lock is interrupted, then the PowerSearch sensor quickly relocks onto the prism either automatically or with the push of a single button. TPS 1200+ can position itself in seconds to accuracy levels never before achieved by robotic surveying instruments. You no longer have to trade speed for quality in your work.

Flexibility and scalability
Leica Geosystems' scalable system philosophy allows the Leica TPS1200+ to be fully GNSS compatible. With Leica's SmartStation, SmartRover and SmartPole options, the user can customize their surveying equipment to their specific tasks, crew's needs and budget. Leica System 1200 combines TPS and GNSS in the most efficient and complete way. System 1200 is a complete solution that is ready to be expanded when you are.

Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
With close to 200 years of pioneering solutions to measure the world, Leica Geosystems products and services are trusted by professionals worldwide to help them capture, analyze, and present spatial information. Leica Geosystems is best known for its broad array of products that capture accurately, model quickly, analyze easily, and visualize and present spatial information.

Those who use Leica Geosystems products every day trust them for their dependability, the value they deliver, and the superior customer support. Based in Heerbrugg, Switzerland, Leica Geosystems is a global company with tens of thousands of customers supported by more than 2,400 employees in 22 countries and hundreds of partners located in more than 120 countries around the world. Leica Geosystems is part of the Hexagon Group, Sweden.

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                  Nici cei de la Trimble nu stau degeaba!

Trimble SPS730 and SPS930 Universal Total Stations

The new Trimble® SPS730 and SPS930 Universal Total Stations were designed specifically for the high traffic scenarios typically found on a construction site. Exclusive Trimble MultiTrack technology locks on and tracks passive prisms for applications such as monitoring or control measurements, and active prism targets for dynamic measurements required for grade control applications.

Trimble pioneered this active tracking technology, which allows the operator to assign a unique target number to their earthmoving machine or site positioning rover, ensuring the instrument will always track the correct target. This unique Trimble technology ignores environmental obstructions and eliminates the possibility that the instrument would lock onto the wrong reflective surface such as a reflective vest or light cover on a vehicle. Motor graders and dozers can operate at faster speeds without fear of losing instrument lock. Trimble active tracking technology prevents costly delays and subsequent rework; faster machine speed means increased productivity and faster results to grade.

Fastest and Tightest Accuracy Total Stations on the Market
The Trimble SPS930 Universal Total Station is accurate to one arc second in the vertical and horizontal angles, making it ideal for fine grading operations where the accuracy tolerance is very tight. The Trimble SPS730 Universal Total Station provides three arc second accuracy in the horizontal plane and two arc second accuracy in the vertical, for contractors who want to take advantage of the same proven Trimble technology at a lower price point.

The Trimble SPS730 and SPS930 Universal Total Stations also lead the market with the fastest update rate available today. Featuring fixed, low latency, synchronized data and a 20 Hz update rate, the Trimble Universal Total Stations allow the user to reliably track a machine target and know the data is being passed from the instrument to the machine as quickly and accurately as possible. The motor grader or dozer operator can conduct real-time fine grading operations to millimeter accuracy while minimizing rework and increasing profits.

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                  Vrabia malai viseaza! Pe meleaguri mioritice este greu sa ai acces la aceste bijuterii - preturile sunt pe masura calitatii.
Ce parere ai despre Trimble 5605 Robotic cu LM80, pare o solutie foarte buna pentru lucrari specifice constructiilor (trasari, as-built...) la un pret bun.
O combinatie Trimble GPS + statie totala este o varianta atractiva pentru usurinta in lucru, precizie si randament.



doru2 a scris:

   pe de alta parte, daca norocul sa prinzi un contract cu bechtel, s-ar putea sa fi obligat sa folosesti trimble, asta e politica...">  intr-adevar, asa e! La Bechtel cu voi, sa va invatati cu Trimble!">


Alin B.

                  hei ... cum se lucreaza cu proflt ? e modul separat de topoLT ?

Viziteaza Bucovina !!! O Romanie altfel !



                  Daca cineva vrea un full robotic, a scos Sokkia ceva interesant, merita vazut

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