Stie cineva cum se fac setarile in Teramodell

Creat de vermessungen, Ian 23, 2013, 12:06 AM

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Setarile pt. compensarea drumirii?Dca pot sa se compenseze numai pe distante sau unghiuri? Unde se fac aceste setari?


depinde de tipul de compensare pe care il alegi.


We strongly encourage you to become familiar with both the strengths and weaknesses of these adjustment methods before putting any of them to use.

Compass Rule

The Compass Rule states that the correction to be applied to the lat/dep of any course is to the total correction in lat/dep as the length of the course is to the length of the traverse.

It assumes that the errors in traversing are accidental and vary with the square root of the lengths of the sides. It also assumes that the effects of errors in angular measurements are equal to the effects of errors in distance measurements.

Transit Rule

The Transit Rule states that the correction to be applied to the lat/dep of any course is to the total correction in lat/dep as the lat/dep of that course is to the arithmetical sum of all the lat/dep of the traverse.

It assumes that errors in traversing are accidental and that the effects of errors in distance measurement are greater than the effects of errors in angular measurements.

Crandall Rule

The Crandall Rule approximates a least squares adjustment to the length of each course. It assumes that the effects of errors in angular measurements are negligible or have already been adjusted out of the traverse. It further assumes that any adjustment should be applied only to the lengths of the courses.

Daca alegi Least squares, atunci cu cat "stadard deviations" pentru distante este mai mare, cu atat ceastea vor fi corectate mai mult. la fel si pentru unghiuri. daca doresti sa compensezi doar distante, atunci introduci standar deviations mici la unghiuri si mari la distante., si invers.

  din punct de vedere practic, este indicat sa-ti indroduci erorile dupa specificatiile aparatului pe categorii si sa-ti estimezi singur precizia de vizare(capacitatea ta de a orienta aparatul spre o tinta), precizia de centrare a aparatului si a prismei(tot ale tale).
  inca nu s-a inventat aparatul acre sa aiba erori doar in distanta si nu in unghiuri, si nici invers, iar mare majoritatea a erorii provine din centrare, si "pointing.

 pentru introducerea setarilor: Edit/raw data editor;
                                            Settings/computation settings.

 Good luck !!


eu folosesc:

Adjustment methonds: network lst. sg
Earth radius: 6378956.594
refraction: 0.140
Scale factor: in functie de unde esti